Our current newsletter can be downloaded on our 'News' page. 

Welcome to St. Ninian's! 

Socially distanced church

Please come in by using  the buttons on the left to look around and find out more about us.

If you would like to get in contact, please click on the Contact Us Page. 

We are a Christian community who primarily serve the Mid-Craigie and Linlathen areas of Dundee City, but we also have members from beyond these communities. We are part of the Scottish Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Brechin. 


Our main Sunday worship is at 11am and lasts for around an hour. We hear some readings from the Bible and respond to these in the form of a sermon - or an explanation - of what we have heard by a member of the clergy, and we also respond with prayers. We then move into Communion - where we share bread and wine, as Jesus shared with his friends. There is then a time for those who wish to come forward for healing. There is plenty of singing during the service and we also have a thriving Sunday School where our children and young people meet during the service to hear and respond to God's word in a way that is relevant to them. We have tea, coffee and biscuits after the service where we continue our fellowship and build friendships with each other. 

Church is so much more than Sunday worship and we look to live out what we learn on a Sunday by working with the local communities and to responding, as Jesus did, to those around us. We have a lot going on in Church throughout the week from our Stay and Play Family Support Group to Slimming World to our thriving Girls Brigade Company and Youth Group. 


To find out more about what is happening at St. Ninian's please visit the pages on the left sidebar, and you can find details of how to contact us on our People page


St Ninian's Scottish Episcopal Church, Dundee

Website hosted by Krystal.uk

St Ninian's Scottish Episcopal Church

Kingsway East
